free guide

Learn How to Create Your Future by Design
in 2022!

As a solo mom, are you worried that your dreams have to be put on hold in order to raise your family?

Well, consider this your official notice that the above opinion just isn't true.

Discover how to balance raising your (child)ren while harmoniously creating your future by design with the FREE Ultimate 2022 Goal Setting Guide for Solo Moms.

Join in the movement of ambitious single moms who are creating intentional lives without limitations!

Listen up, friend. This life of yours is not a trial run. There isn't a Ctrl + Z button.

Now is the time to stop wishing & start taking action.

You don't want to look back 20, 30 or 40 years from now and say, "I wish I would have..."(fill in the blank).

That would be tragic.

Look, I know you're busy. But, do you really want to let another year go by without making progress on the future you desire (and deserve)?

Heck, no! That is why this free guide was created specifically with the ambitious single mom in mind (aka, YOU!)

Rooting for you always,

Kristin, Her One Thing creator

Learn How to Create Your Future by Design
in 2022!

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